
Gangs of Titan City: Grimdark Urban Roleplaying

Created by SoulMuppet Publishing

A grimdark urban roleplaying game, with faction-focused, consequence-heavy mechanics from the creators of Best Left Buried.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Fulfilment Update
about 2 years ago – Thu, Feb 09, 2023 at 06:54:22 AM

Hey folx, 

If you're not in the US, everything should have been shipped out last month. Email [email protected] if you're missing a package. 

As for US shipping, there have been some unfortunate delays. The books took longer than we wanted to reach the states, but have now safely arrived with floating chaor. 

We did however have some issues with characters sheets, which didn't make their way onto the pallet in time for them to be shipped over with the other books (without the books missing the boat). However, the character sheets have arrived in the US, and will be making their way from Ronald Reagan airport in Washington DC to our fulfillment partner, Floating Chair, in Maryland in the next few days. 

We'll start posting backer their copies early next week, so you should all have everything soon. 

Thanks for your continued patience. 

If you've changed address, let me know via email at [email protected] and we'll get it fixed! 



Fulfilment Update
about 2 years ago – Fri, Dec 09, 2022 at 07:27:31 PM

Quick update:

Things have been delayed, this time by my foolishness, not the global economy. 

The add-ons printing has been slightly delayed, in that we made a GM Screen, Bookmark and Character Sheets, but in our hubris I forgot to ask Dai to make a Gangs Sheet and a Sector Claims sheet, which is something that every game frankly needs. They were sent to print today, they'll arrive Tuesday, and we'll start sending out books as soon as possible after then. 

Here's a look at all the gizmos you'll be getting if you backed at the extras level. We'll make digital versions of all the character and crew sheets to you soon. Apologies for the potato phone. Every extras pledge will come with the GM screen, the bookmark, 6 double sided Gutter sheets and one sheet with the Gang sheet on one side and the Sector sheet on the other. 

Americans, your books should arrive in Maryland sometime in the new year, and we'll get orders to you soon after! 

Everyone should also be getting an email from us shortly with the PDF for Itch.Io, because a few backers requested it. It's in the pipes of itch, and should with with you soon! 

More info on the stretch goals soon, we have manuscripts, so it'll be swiftly on to editing! 



Books have Arrived!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 08, 2022 at 02:02:33 PM

Our Gangs of Titan City books have arrived at the UK warehouse.

Orders have been locked on BackerKit, and we'll be freezing addresses and charging cards shortly. If you want a book or any addons, grab one quickly.

We're going to be able to start delivering the books to UK, EU and RoW backers in the next week or two. 

We'll be shipping a pallet of books to the US, and hoping to get them to the US warehouse in the next month. 

I'm hoping we can get the books to everyone by Christmas, but this might be a bit difficult for the US customers. 

If you're a fan of SoulMuppet's work, do go ahead and check out our new Kickstarter, Throne of Avarice. It's an adventure for our game Best Left Buried, focusing on another big horrible city full of capitalism and exploitation (but in a fantasy setting this time).



Printing Update
over 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 19, 2022 at 06:36:16 PM

Friends, we have BOOKS printed, courtesy of the team at in Estonia. 

They're 2 weeks away from arriving in the UK, then another 3-5 weeks until they reach the US, then fulfilment will begin. 

I will be charging cards on Friday, and locking US addresses at the end of the month. 

Check out these new covers, and upgrade your pledge if you fancy it. 

One of the interior pages
The standard cover!
Dai Shugar's minimalist cover
Rollin Kunz's maximalist cover

Can't wait to get these books out to customers! 

Throne of Avarice

In other SoulMuppet news, we're hard at work on a new Best Left Buried book, THE THRONE OF AVARICE, which is going to go on Kickstarter next week. It's about Calmyn, one of the Thirteen Duchies, where the  seats of colonialist power that fund and hire the Cryptdiggers sit. It's a big book (60k words) about the evils of capitalism and colonialism, and contains  brilliant art and writing by Brian Yaksha. Drop us a follow on Kickstarter! 

It's a big book about huge cities, horrible corperations and greedy adventures. A perfect fit for fans of Gangs

Speak soon,


BackerKit Is Live!
over 2 years ago – Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 04:12:09 PM

Hey folx, 

Short update today

  • You should have all had an email to get in touch with BackerKit and fill out a survey. 
  • You'll be able to pay shipping, select your choice of cover and add any other SoulMuppet books that take your fancy. 
  • Any issues, get in touch with me via email at [email protected] 
  • We're hard at work on stretch goal pamphlets. We've got 2 manuscripts of the 4, and are looking to start editing soon. You'll get digital copies of this as soon as possible. 
  • We're in late stage discussions with the printers for file approval, and I'll let you know how long the final files will take as soon as I can. 

